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Gingivitis Can Do More Than Just Make Your Gums Bleed

One common issue for people with gingivitis is bleeding after brushing or flossing. That tendency for your gums to bleed can be an indication that the tissues are infected, which can call for more oral hygiene support. With that said, there are other issues to watch out for if you are concerned that you might be dealing with gingivitis. You may notice that tissues seem swollen, that your gum line is starting to recede, or even that you are often affected by embarrassing bad breath. Fortunately, patients who have gingivitis can receive treatment when they schedule routine dental checkups. After your Seattle, WA dentist identifies evidence of gingivitis, a special cleaning can take place to deal with the bacteria beneath your gums.

You Should Watch Out For Signs Of Gingivitis

You should take care to watch for signs of gingivitis, and take symptoms of an infection seriously. By doing so, you can have the matter addressed before complications start to affect you. In time, an infection can progress past gingivitis, and leave you in need of treatment for periodontitis. At this point, the condition will be difficult to properly manage, and it can create long-term issues for you. Those issues include tooth loss – you may be surprised to learn that gum disease is actually the main reason that adults lose teeth!

How Regular Dental Exams Help You Protect Your Gums

Regular dental exams do more than just help you when you have symptoms of gingivitis. The dedicated teeth cleaning that your hygienist provides will remove plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth, which will stop them from causing issues like gum disease and tooth decay. Having these deposits removed on a regular basis will help you maintain a healthier smile, and it will also help you avoid restorative dental work for issues that do arise.

What You Can Do At Home To Fight Future Infections

If you want to keep your smile safe from gum disease, the right approach to preventive care is important. Each day, you should floss at least once and brush your teeth at least two times. This routine stops plaque from building up, and it will prevent problems with tartar formation. Remember that your flossing and brushing routines need to target the spaces where your teeth and gum line meet if you hope to do something about gum disease. If you do not give these spaces enough attention, the buildup of bacteria at the base of your teeth can make periodontal problems tough to avoid!

Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist About Dealing With Gingivitis

If you think gingivitis is currently affecting you, make sure you have preventive dental care scheduled. To schedule an appointment, or to discuss any problems that you think may be affecting you, contact Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA today at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.