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Tips To Help Patients Avoid Troubles With Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a common oral health problem, but it is not one to take lightly. An infection will worsen and become more difficult to treat if you do not manage it in a timely manner. Someone who experiences advanced issues with gum disease becomes more vulnerable to losing teeth later in life, and they may have difficulty managing other active health problems. At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, we are ready to take care of individuals who worry about their periodontal health. The care you receive during a routine dental exam includes work to lower your risk for problems with your gums. In addition to offering this support, we can help you identify shortcomings in your daily routine that can make you vulnerable to infections.

The Importance Of Defending Yourself Against Gingivitis

If you are not defending yourself against gingivitis, you become vulnerable to more health trouble than you might expect. The complications that occur when periodontal disease advances will make it harder for you to avoid tooth loss. The inability to protect yourself against this issue can lead to upsetting problems with your appearance as well as your ability to bite and chew. The bacteria that cause gum disease will also make you vulnerable to certain complications with your well-being, as those microbes can move to other parts of your body to hurt your well-being.

Keep Up With Consistent And Thorough Oral Hygiene Habits

The first measure of defense you have against gingivitis is your daily routine. By brushing and flossing on a consistent daily basis, you fight the accumulation of bacteria at the base of your teeth that can lead to infection troubles. When you floss, work the string down to your periodontal tissues so that you can remove harmful agents. Brushing at your gum line is also important. Be as consistent as possible with this routine, as tartar can build up quickly if you are not careful. This leads to an increased risk for gum disease as well as troubles with dental decay that can require dental fillings or dental crowns.

Scheduling Regular Evaluations Keeps You Informed About Your Periodontal Health

At a regular exam, your dentist will check on your teeth, gums, and oral structures to see if there are any problems affecting your oral health. The cleanings that you receive at every appointment will remove the tartar deposits that have formed, lowering your risk for gingivitis or dental decay. We can also take care of your smile by identifying active problems with gum disease and discussing how we can help you.

Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist If You Have Concerns About Gingivitis

Hygge Laser Dentistry is ready to help patients deal with active gingivitis issues, and we can provide preventive care to help you avoid future problems. To find out more about what we can do for your periodontal and dental health, call our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.