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Discussing Treatment For Multiple Smile Flaws

People who express an interest in cosmetic dentistry often have more than one change they hope to make to the way that they look. For some, the right approach to treatment will address problems with the shape or condition of teeth as well as discoloration. By making all of your desired changes, your Seattle, WA dentist can give you a renewed confidence in the way you look. What might surprise you is that one cosmetic procedure may be all that you require even if you do have several improvements that you hope to see. One option for treatment is to place porcelain veneers. Veneers cover the fronts of teeth. Placing them can make your smile look brighter, more symmetrical, and generally more attractive by addressing wear and tear.

How Do You Feel About Your Smile?

Whether you have one smile flaw that you want to address or several, your unhappiness can affect how you present yourself, how you look in pictures, and your ability to project confidence. Discussing your concerns with your dentist can be an important first step to seeing real changes. We can walk you through the different cosmetic services that are available to you, and review how they can help you resolve problems that have caused you to grow self-conscious.

Cosmetic Dentistry Makes Big Changes Possible

Procedures are available to restore the appearance of damaged teeth, cover problems with spacing, and brighten your smile. Overall, these changes can improve your facial symmetry, hide conspicuous problems, and generally make your teeth look younger and healthier. We may be able to address several of your concerns with just one procedure. By placing porcelain veneers on teeth that stand out for the wrong reasons, we can hide blemishes, cover chips and cracks, address some spacing issues, and even restore the appearance of teeth that are worn down or naturally misshapen.

You May Need Restorative Work To Improve Your Appearance

Will cosmetic dentistry be right for every person with anxieties about their appearance? In some circumstances, we will recommend restorative dental work instead of cosmetic treatment. For instance, those unhappy with the way they look because of tooth loss can obviously gain more from prosthetic dental work. Restorative services can also be appropriate when teeth are damaged. Dental crowns can improve the way you look and also restore your ability to comfortably bite and chew with damaged, worn, or generally unhealthy teeth.

Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist About Improving Your Smile

Hygge Laser Dentistry is ready to help you if you want to improve your smile. Through the right cosmetic procedure, you can project more confidence, look younger and healthier, and stop worrying about certain flaws that attract undesired attention! To learn more about what we can do for you, call our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.