serving ballard since 1974

We Offer Help With Nightly Teeth Grinding

A habit of grinding your teeth every night can lead to serious consequences for your smile, and it can lead to chronic pain and sensitivity problems. While you can make a conscious effort to stop yourself from grinding and clenching while awake, this is a difficult habit to control while you are sleeping. What can you do to protect your smile and prevent problems with dental pain and sensitivity? At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, we can take care of you by providing a custom guard to protect you against this issue. Habitual teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can be addressed with a guard that keeps your smile apart while you rest so no more damage can occur!

Teeth Grinding Can Lead To Discomfort And Dental Damage

A tendency to grind your teeth at night can lead to serious consequences for your smile and oral health when not managed. As you sleep, you can unconsciously clench or grind your jaw, leading to  friction against your teeth that can become harmful. How harmful? Eventually, the pressure can lead to visible wear and tear, and may even result in damage to your enamel that requires restorative dental work!

Using A Custom Appliance To Avoid Problems With Bruxism

By providing you with a custom oral appliance to wear while you sleep, we can protect your smile and keep bruxism from causing physical harm. The guard you receive will be custom-made to ensure that it stays secure. When you are at rest, it will keep your upper and lower teeth apart. Stopping you from grinding and clenching can also lead to less stress on your jaw joints and muscles!

Restoring Teeth That Are Damaged Or Worn Down

At regular dental exams, your dentist can look out for signs of habitual teeth grinding by checking your smile for visible wear and tear. This is a problem that can call for cosmetic dental work to give you back your confidence in your smile. In some cases, it is possible that you will need restorative dental work to protect teeth that are more significantly damaged. The good news is that both options can lead to lasting smile improvements that give you more confidence in the way you look!

Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist About Nightly Teeth Grinding

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, patients who struggle with teeth grinding can learn how a custom oral appliance is able to keep their teeth safe from harm. In addition to addressing active concerns about bruxism, we can restore your smile by addressing visible wear and tear as well as more serious harm. To find out more about how we can help you maintain your smile and prevent problems, call our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.