serving ballard since 1974

Are My Smile Improvement Goals In Reach?

Is there any chance that your dentist can help you show off the kind of smile that you really want to share with the world? For people who have goals they feel may be out of reach, the idea of even asking about cosmetic dental work can feel like a waste. What you should know is that a procedure can do more than you realize, and that one procedure is often capable of taking on several concerns at one time! Our Seattle, WA dentist’s office can work with you to help you make the changes that you truly want to see. In addition to focusing on reaching all of your goals, we can look for ways to deliver those results with more conservative treatment.

Discover What Cosmetic Work Can Do For You

What can you really do to take on problems with the shape, size, and color of your teeth? If you feel self-conscious about your smile for any of these reasons, you can learn that just one procedure is enough to address your concerns. In addition to doing work to take on discoloration, wear and tear, and other concerns, we can deal with malocclusion discreetly by offering Invisalign treatment!

One Procedure Can Offer More Benefits Than You Anticipate

Your “ambitious” smile improvement goals can be easier to reach than you realize, as one procedure can take on several issues at one time. With porcelain veneers, we can cover teeth that look dull or stained, problems with enamel wear and tear, and even issues with teeth that are an awkward shape or size. Treatment with these restorations can be complete after just two appointments. At the end of your second visit, your veneers are permanently set in position to dramatically improve the way you look!

When Oral Health Problems Affect Your Appearance

One concern over teeth that are misshapen or damaged is that they might not support your bite effectively. In addition to interfering with your bite function, damage can leave you vulnerable to an infection. Before recommending a cosmetic procedure, we can evaluate you to see if your issues call for dental crowns. Crowns can provide functional support while also improving your smile, which can lead to more confidence in your appearance and dental health!

Learn More About Your Smile Improvement Options At Our Seattle, WA Dentist’s Office

Hygge Laser Dentistry is prepared to take on the issues that you have with your smile! You can find that even ambitious goals for cosmetic improvement can be reached with as little as one procedure. If you have questions about our cosmetic services, or if there are any other issues that we can help you address, please call our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.