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How Veneers Change A Person’s Smile

If you are not confident in the way you look when you smile, you can feel eager to learn more about cosmetic dentistry. What stops people from asking about treatment when they know they want to change the look of their teeth? For people with several flaws, esthetic treatments can feel out of reach because they worry about the amount of care they might require. What you can learn is that with a set of custom porcelain veneers, you can address all of your problems with your smile with a single procedure! Our Seattle, WA dentist’s office can provide porcelain veneers in order to change your appearance by making teeth look whiter, healthier, more symmetrical, and generally more attractive.

Are You Interested In Changing The Way You Look By Improving Your Smile?

Smile improvements can have a big impact on your overall appearance. When you look at someone’s teeth, you can form several impressions about them. You can guess at their health, their age, and what kind of effort they generally put into their own well-being. Problems with teeth that are misshapen, damaged, discolored, or otherwise flawed can give people negative impressions that can be hard to dispel. The good news is that the right cosmetic dental procedure can help you fully cover the problems you have with the way you look and change how others perceive you!

Discussing Treatment With Veneers

Porcelain veneers are recommended for people with different cosmetic concerns. How can they be effective under varying circumstances? These restorations are carefully designed to take on a variety of esthetic issues. Dental discoloration, problems with damage, concerns over poor smile alignment, and more can be addressed by this treatment approach. Your veneers will be carefully designed to address the specific issues that you have with the way you look. At the end of your procedure, you can marvel at your transformed smile! Because these custom shells are designed with durability as well as appearances in mind, you can maintain your improvements for many years.

Other Solutions To Frustrating Dental Flaws

There are alternative treatment options available to you if you are interested in something other than veneers. One option is to undergo tooth bonding and contouring work. This is a procedure that addresses issues that veneers often address, but with a bonding and contouring treatment no restorations are needed. We also have the option of changing your smile without modifying your tooth structure – we can perform a professional whitening treatment, or we can discuss work with Invisalign to change the way you look.

Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist About Porcelain Veneers

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, patients who worry about their appearance can find that porcelain veneers offer an effective solution! To learn more about this and other cosmetic procedures, call our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.