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Is Stress Hurting Your Smile?

When you have problems managing stress, it can feel as though several parts of your life are becoming more difficult to manage. Stretches of time where you experience higher stress levels can impact your oral health. These negative feelings can affect your diet choices, and changes in your daily routine can disrupt your brushing and flossing habits. Making a point to prioritize your smile during these periods can help you protect yourself. One other issue that can link stress and oral health is the potential start of nightly teeth grinding issues. Your Seattle, WA dentist can help you avoid problems with this issue, known as bruxism, by supplying a custom oral guard to keep your smile safe.

The Potential Link Between Stress And Your Oral Health

People can respond to heightened stress levels in many ways. Some of those changes can impact your typical diet choices, your sleep schedule, and other daily behaviors. While stress reactions are certainly human, they can still potentially impact your general and dental well-being. Physical reactions, like habit changes, can also hurt you. You can develop a teeth grinding habit in response to times of duress, and changes in your heart rate can make you more susceptible to dehydration, which can reduce your ability to naturally defend against cavities.

The Importance Of Sticking To Good Habits

Consistent oral hygiene habits are important at all times. While your hygienist can remove tartar buildup during a routine teeth cleaning, you will not be able to remove deposits on your own. This means that when tartar does accumulate between visits, you can become more likely to struggle with gum disease and tooth decay. Keeping up with brushing and flossing on a daily basis, even at times when your schedule is disrupted, will help you prevent difficulties. Limit other changes in your routine, such as an increase in unhealthy food and drink choices, to further protect your smile.

Addressing Teeth Grinding Issues

If you do not take action to address nightly teeth grinding, it can cause potentially serious dental damage. Some patients will look into cosmetic dental work to hide visible wear and tear, while others may require restorative dental work to address enamel damage. With a custom oral appliance, your dentist can help you keep your smile safe against the pressure generated when you grind and clench.

Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist About Stress And Smile Care

Through the right habits and consistent support from your dentist, you can keep your smile safe even in times of stress. Hygge Laser Dentistry can help you stick with important services to prevent difficulties that might call for dental treatment. To find out more, please call our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.