The more time you spend not doing something about your tendency to grind your teeth at night, the more likely you are to suffer dental damage. When you struggle with nightly grinding and clenching due to unresolved issues with bruxism, you can wear down your teeth and make worrying changes to your smile. In time, this can lead to more than just cosmetic issues, as you can do enough damage to negatively affect your oral health. The good news is that this is something that your Seattle, WA dentist can help you address. Wearing a custom oral appliance while you sleep will protect your smile, which will help you avoid further harm that threatens your appearance and well-being.
Untreated Issues With Bruxism Can Damage Your Smile
If you choose to ignore the signs of bruxism, you can raise your risk for serious dental damage. Until you seek treatment, you can experience worsening discomfort as you keep grinding and clenching your jaw throughout the night. This problem also puts pressure on your jaw joints and muscles, which can interfere with your bite and cause you persistent discomfort. The good news is that we can prevent further problems by providing a custom guard that will keep your teeth safe. We can also discuss cosmetic procedures that will help you cover damage that has already occurred.
Restoring Your Smile With A Cosmetic Procedure
Cosmetic dental work can take on problems with wear and tear that have made your smile asymmetrical and generally hurt your appearance. Through this work, we can take care of teeth that look flat or worn, which can give you a more youthful and generally more attractive smile. Tooth bonding and contouring can make this work surprisingly accessible, as it will not be necessary for us to make and place permanent restorations.
Protecting Your Smile Against Teeth Grinding That Occurs During The Night
The more time you spend ignoring a teeth grinding problem, the more likely it is that complications will occur. We can provide a custom appliance that lets you once again sleep soundly. Wearing the appliance is made easier thanks to its careful design, which ensures it fits you snugly and stays secure. The guard that you receive will be strong enough to hold up against your unconscious grinding, and its presence can help you both protect your smile and limit pressure on your jaw joints and muscles.
Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist’s Office About Bruxism
Through action to address bruxism, you can protect your smile against the potentially serious harm that nightly grinding and clenching can do. The sooner you act, the sooner you can avoid complications with nightly clenching and grinding! To find out how we can help, please call our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.