serving ballard since 1974

Improving A Misaligned Smile

If your teeth are not properly aligned, you may have a hard time feeling truly comfortable with your appearance. What you may not realize is that this issue with malocclusion can also negatively affect your oral health, which can lead to difficulties in time that will have to be addressed. The good news is that a conservative orthodontic treatment, one that relies on discreet and easily removed appliances, is available. At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, we can recommend that you start treatment with Invisalign aligners. With these appliances, we can fix problems with poor spacing that negatively impact your appearance as well as your dental health.

Crooked Teeth Make Many People Less Confident In The Way They Look

Problems with teeth that are not evenly spaced can make you unhappy with your smile. Gaps and overlaps can attract unwanted attention, and they can leave you with an asymmetrical appearance that you would like to address. In time, this concern can also lead to problems with your oral health. An uneven bite can cause stress on your joints and muscles, which can raise your risk for problems with teeth grinding and clenching. You can also have a harder time cleaning teeth that overlap, as they can simply be more difficult to fully reach as you practice your daily hygiene practices.

Beginning Your Corrective Work With Invisalign Aligners

After we perform the necessary evaluations and gather measurements of your teeth, we can make sure you receive a custom-set of Invisalign aligners that will help you correct problems with your smile. Each aligner will be worn for a set time to gradually move teeth that are not in the right positions. You will move from one to the next at the recommended times. Throughout your treatment, you can value the discreet appearance of your appliances, which can prove to be hard for others to see. You can also be glad that they are easily removed, as you will not have to worry about Invisalign affecting your daily smile care routine.

Discussing Your Other Options For Cosmetic Treatment

There may be other options to improve your smile if you are bothered by spacing issues. If you qualify, we can use cosmetic veneers to hide gaps or mild overlaps. Veneers are made from a durable porcelain substance that can preserve your improvements for many years. They offer support if you want to address other issues, too, such as a concern about dental damage or discoloration..

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Invisalign Treatment For Your Misaligned Smile

The work that you do to correct problems with your teeth spacing can give you more confidence in your appearance. It can also lead to welcome oral health benefits! At Hygge Laser Dentistry, we can offer positive results through treatment with Invisalign aligners. These appliances discreetly move teeth while minimizing changes to your appearance and daily life. If you would like to find out more, please call our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.