In order to keep your smile safe from harm done by oral bacteria, you should have a consistent brushing and flossing routine in place. When you put the right work into keeping your smile clean, you defend yourself against cavities, and you also protect yourself against gum disease. The fight to preserve your periodontal health is one that has more value than you might realize. Over time, gum disease can lead to several negative issues, including tooth loss, when it is not properly handled. At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, we can provide important support against this issue. At regular appointments, the preventive care we provide can make you less likely to have issues with gingivitis. We can also provide more involved care to fight an active infection if you show signs of this condition at an appointment.
Will Your Daily Oral Hygiene Routine Protect You Against Gum Disease?
If you have the right daily oral hygiene routine in place, you can protect yourself against gum disease. Both brushing and flossing contribute to your support. With that said, both need to be performed consistently as well as thoroughly to provide the right support. Cleaning carefully to reach even those less accessible areas will help you fight tartar buildup that can make you more vulnerable to problems. You should also take care to avoid problems that can occur when you “occasionally” skip these sessions—you should brush twice a day, and you should floss once per day as well.
Preventive Dentistry And Your Periodontal Health
Preventive dentistry is concerned with more than just cavity prevention. When we evaluate your smile and clean your teeth, we can actually protect you against gingivitis. During your regular cleanings, we clear away plaque and tartar buildup found anywhere on your teeth above your gum line. However, when we need to, we can tend to spaces below your gum line. This is a service known as scaling and root planing. When performed, it can help reverse an active periodontal infection and stop gingivitis before it can worsen.
Additional Reasons To Stay Current With Dental Checkups And Cleanings
When you consistently schedule your regular checkups and cleanings, you can make yourself less likely to experience the kinds of issues that call for restorative dental work. You also receive helpful early warnings when problems do occur between appointments. While it is important to do all that you can to prevent the formation of a cavity, once one forms, you should take care to have it treated as soon as possible. By doing so, you can avoid complications that put you at risk for an infection and advanced damage to your tooth structure.
Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist About Protecting Against Gum Disease
Through consistent preventive services and good daily oral hygiene efforts, you can avoid problems with gum disease as well as tooth decay! For more information, please reach out to our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.