serving ballard since 1974

Planning Tooth Bonding And Contouring Work

There are many reasons why people have trouble smiling with confidence. If a single tooth is affected by noticeable flaws like dental damage, discoloration, or a distracting shape or size, it can pull more attention than you are comfortable with, and that can lead to larger feelings of insecurity about the way you look. The good news is that these kinds of issues can be fixed through conservative cosmetic procedures. Our Seattle, WA dentist’s office can carefully modify the appearance of any teeth that hurt the quality of your smile through tooth bonding and contouring work. We can plan a procedure that targets your specific areas of concern to give you a more uniform and attractive appearance!

Do You Have Concerns About Your Appearance?

Any cosmetic dental flaws that you have can feel like major distractions, as a person’s smile can draw significant attention. In other words, you may feel that people are not only noticing but having a hard time ignoring a problem with a tooth that is blemished, affected by damage, or flawed in some other way. The good news is that covering these flaws can take less time and effort than you anticipate. This means you are closer to the changes you want than you realize—thanks to tooth bonding and contouring treatment, you can have your desired improvements in as little as one visit!

Planning Tooth Bonding And Contouring Treatment

Through tooth bonding and contouring services, we are able to brighten teeth, hide damage to your enamel, cover spacing problems, and even do work to modify the shape or size of a tooth that stands out. The contouring process removes enamel strategically, leading to a needed reduction in size, or a change to its general shape. Through bonding treatment, we can restore your enamel so that discoloration, chips and cracks, and other concerns no longer affect you. Depending on how many teeth are being treated, this is work that we can complete in as little as one appointment!

Learn All Of Your Options For Cosmetic Treatment

There are several cosmetic dental services that we are able to recommend for our patients. With options that include the placement of porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, and work with clear aligners, we can help you feel confident that you have the kind of lasting improvements that will give you sustained confidence in your smile!

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Tooth Bonding And Contouring Work

Tooth bonding and contouring treatments are conservative cosmetic procedures that help patients take on many different esthetic concerns. If you would like to learn more about the impact that this treatment can have, or if there is another service that interests you, please reach out to our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.