serving ballard since 1974

Emergency Care For Significant Dental Pain

There are some problems that call for a trip to the dentist’s office even when you do not have an upcoming appointment scheduled. You can find that when dental pain makes you concerned about your well-being, your Seattle, WA dentist’s office is ready to support you! Our practice makes urgent smile care available when our patients require it. By coming in for support on short notice, you can make sure the matter is addressed so that it no longer causes you discomfort. You can also rely on this support to prevent the kinds of complications that change what care you need, and in some cases lead to such severe problems that a tooth has to be extracted!

How Should You Respond To Persistent Dental Pain?

A brief period of dental discomfort can be caused by different issues, such as sinus pressure, but sustained or severe discomfort should not be taken lightly. This uncomfortable experience can be a warning about a potentially serious threat to your well-being. If you have an internal injury or infection after physical trauma, or if you have an advanced cavity, you should make restorative dental work a priority. To make this easier, we can welcome patients who need to see us in a short time by encouraging them to reach out about possible dental emergencies.

Scheduling Treatment On Short Notice

You can reach out to us when you need to see someone on short notice. During your emergency oral health appointment, we will evaluate you to determine what has caused you so much pain before proceeding with care. It can take a root canal procedure to resolve this kind of issue, as the problem can stem from an infection or internal injury that must be managed. After this service is provided, a dental crown can be put in place to make sure that your tooth remains safe and secure.

Lower Your Risk For Problems By Keeping Up With Preventive Appointments

Complications from tooth decay can send patients to their dentist for emergency care. If you want to avoid the kind of oral health problems that lead to this discomfort, you should keep up with regular dental exams and cleanings. When you do so, you are able to receive timely warnings and treatments for cavities before they become serious.

Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist About Smile Care On Short Notice

Dental pain is certainly difficult to enjoy. Because it can be a symptom of a potentially serious oral health problem, it is also something that you should not ignore! Patients of Hygge Laser Dentistry can count on our support when they have potential dental emergencies. If you would like to reach out about a potential emergency, or if there is anything else we can do for you, please contact our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.