serving ballard since 1974

How Can Invisalign Change My Smile?

If you want to do something that can truly change your smile, the right cosmetic dental procedure can certainly help. Our Seattle, WA dental practice can recommend a number of different services that can make meaningful improvements to the way you look. One option we offer can actually help you straighten uneven teeth without going to an orthodontist for treatment with traditional metal braces. What you can do instead is start an adjustment with Invisalign aligners! With a set of clear appliances, we can gradually move your teeth without making you wear something that is conspicuous or fixed in place. As you move through your corrective work, you can see the benefits as you fix gaps, overlaps, and other potential problems with the way you look.

Can I Really Use Invisalign Aligners To Make My Smile More Attractive?

A set of custom-made Invisalign aligners can make the necessary movements to bring your teeth into alignment. Without having to depend on metal braces for results, you can make changes to the way you look that give you increased confidence, as you no longer have to worry over gaps, overlaps, and other issues that might make you self-conscious about your appearance. We can help you understand what to expect from this specific cosmetic procedure, and we can also help you understand what your other options for care include.

What To Expect From Your Procedure

After taking detailed measurements of your teeth and oral structures, we can capture the information that we need to provide a set of aligners that are customized for your procedure. With these aligners, you can take on gaps and overlaps by gradually straightening teeth that are out of position. All of your appliances are made to be easy to remove as well as hard to see while in position. Because they are difficult for others to notice, you can keep them in place without feeling self-conscious. In order to make daily life feel more normal, these appliances are easy to remove, which means they will not be in the way whenever you need to eat or clean your teeth.

Exploring All Of Your Options For Cosmetic Treatment

Because patients have different needs from cosmetic dental treatment, we provide different services that can make meaningful changes. Whether you have one specific issue like malocclusion to address or multiple concerns that you hope to take on, our practice can help you see lasting results!

Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist About Cosmetic Work With Invisalign Aligners!

By choosing to start treatment with Invisalign aligners, you can take on bothersome issues with teeth that are too far apart, crowded together, or flawed in other ways relating to alignment. As an alternative to metal braces, Invisalign appliances can make orthodontic work more appealing while still delivering the results that you seek! If you would like to learn more about this or any other service that we offer, call Hygge Laser Dentistry today at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.