serving ballard since 1974

Can I Access Emergency Smile Care?

You may spend little time wondering what you would do about a dental problem when your teeth are healthy. Through smart habits at home and regular dental exams scheduled, you can minimize risks for problems that might require treatment of any kind. While prevention is what you should focus on, you should know what to do in the event that something does affect you. At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, we can provide care in different circumstances. One thing you should know is that we can actually help you in a situation where you need work done on short notice. That support during a dental emergency can help you spend less time in pain and face fewer risks for complications.

Dental Problems Sometimes Require Prompt Care

There are problems that we can identify during a dental exam that you are not aware of, which can lead to timely care before there are any issues that cause you discomfort and put a tooth at more risk for infection. When an unexpected problem like physical tooth trauma affects you, or when you have a cavity that goes untreated until a painful infection forms, waiting for your next dental exam can be a less than pleasant idea. In these and other situations where urgent care can feel appropriate, we can recommend that you arrange an emergency dental visit.

We Can Address Serious Concerns Like Dental Injuries And Issues With Pain

Problems with pain or sensitivity should not be taken lightly. When discomfort affects you, or when a tooth is physically broken and made vulnerable, we can provide support through emergency dental work. Reach out as soon as you can to let us know that we should expect you. When you arrive, we can provide a close evaluation to determine what has happened to the tooth and what level of care should be provided. The timing can ultimately help you avoid complications that require more than what is done during emergency treatment. Remember that there is only a limited time where your oral health can be restored without making an extraction of your tooth necessary!

Care On Short Notice Can Still Result In A Restored Smile

When you need to arrange treatment on short notice, you may worry that the care you receive is less focused on preserving your smile. Whether we see you on short notice or have plenty of time to prepare for treatment, we can offer services that deliver the right changes in just a short time. Whether we respond to an injury with conservative cosmetic dental work or need to provide more involved care to help restore one that is infected, we can see to it that you still enjoy showing off your smile after your procedure is finished.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Accessing Emergency Smile Care!

By giving families in and around Seattle, WA access to emergency smile care, we make it easier to deal with a frustrating and potentially painful issue! If you would like to find out more about how we can take care of you in this and other circumstances, call Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA today at 206-789-2555!

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Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.