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Take A Full Breath For Better Sleep

Sleep Seattle WA

Your problem snoring may be a sign of a more serious health condition. Chronic obstructive sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that can lead to serious cardiovascular concerns. While this condition is most commonly associated with men over the age of forty, it can impact anyone. If your loved ones have mentioned your troublesome snoring, speak with a professional about the possibility of an oral appliance. These minimally-invasive devices help to keep your airway open throughout the night. Ensure that you receive enough oxygen overnight by gently shifting the position of your jaw.

Oral appliances are also helpful for patients who experience overnight tooth grinding. This condition is known as bruxism and it can wear down your teeth over time. You can also shift the alignment of your teeth in your mouth. Speak to Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA about how a simple oral appliance can help you to handle your common sleep disorder in order to keep yourself safe. You spend around one-third of your life asleep. Make sure it is a healthy rest!

Protect Your Airflow From Chronic Obstructive Sleep Apnea

One of the more common sleep disorders can elevate your blood pressure and put you at risk of heart disease. Chronic obstructive sleep apnea is a condition in which your throat tissue blocks your airflow during your deepest form of sleep. When this happens, you can lose oxygen for a substantial time. This can contribute to many problems such as heart attack and stroke.

Take your apnea seriously with an oral appliance. These devices gently reposition your jaw forward and this can be enough to keep your throat open overnight. Speak with a qualified oral health provider about how this non-surgical solution can help.

Your Grinding Can Cause More Than Headaches

Another sleep disorder involved in your dental wellbeing is bruxism. This is the term for persistent nightly grinding, and this condition can cause severe damage if you allow it to continue. Bruxism can wear down your enamel or even adjust your alignment. An oral appliance helps by providing a soft landing spot for your jaw. Reduce the trauma of contact with a soft BPA-free appliance.

Take Care Of Your Sleep In Seattle, WA

The treatment of your dental sleep disorder is vital to your lasting health. Your bruxism could be eroding your enamel and placing your teeth at risk. Beyond the structure, the repetitive motion can push your teeth out of alignment. Over the course of months and even years, your continuing grinding and clenching could be harming your smile. For those with chronic obstructive sleep apnea, your blocked airway prevents you from receiving proper oxygen levels overnight. An oral appliance can help you by keeping your jaw in place. Contact Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA at (206)789-2555 to learn more about how we can help!

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