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Better Dental Health With Examinations

Richard Lewis Seattle WA

Your routine visits to the dentist are vital to your lasting smile success. As a young adult, you might struggle with setting dental and medical appointments. Following through with these tasks is often difficult, as you test the limits of preventive care. A helpful part of growing up is being able to make these healthy decisions in order to see the benefits down the line.

Invest in your dental future with a cleaning and examination at Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA. The development of concerns in your mouth could happen without your knowledge and lead to lasting harm. Keep a consistent eye on your smile in all stages of your life with routine in-office maintenance. This can help you to receive diagnoses early to start treatment before further progression. A cleaning can also help you to feel cleaner and have a well-functioning smile!

You Need Professional Maintenance

The standard guideline for the average mouth is a dental visit every six months. This timeline may be accelerated if you have additional environmental or genetic health concerns, but everyone needs to see a dentist twice each year. Your visit gives you powerful tools in the maintenance of a healthy smile.

Semiannual cleanings and examinations include the visual examination of your mouth. Consistent visits in this regard allows your provider to identify dental health problems quickly after they develop. If it has been a while since your last routine appointment at the dentist, use this time to turn your focus back on your oral health.

A Removal Of Your Plaque And Tartar

When bacteria feed on the remnants of food within your mouth, they create acidic waste. The initial form of this is a film known as plaque, and you might notice its accumulation when you wake up before you brush your teeth. This substance hardens if it remains on your enamel, so it is important to brush and floss regularly. Use an oral rinse as well to help remove debris and from areas that are hard for you to reach.

Tartar is the hardened form of this buildup and even with a thorough brushing, it will remain on your enamel. You require the help of a trained dental health professional to safely remove this accumulation. Without the removal of this, tartar causes tooth decay. Your cleaning will allow you to have a safer mouth through a dedicated removal of your plaque and tartar.

Your Neighborhood Dentist In Seattle, WA

Your routine checkups give you the power to keep your smile safe. Give us a call at Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA at (206)789-2555 to learn more or to schedule your appointment. As you grow into adulthood, make the positive decisions that can benefit you for decades to come.

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It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.