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A Sturdy Solution For Injuries To Your Teeth

Do you have a plan in place for responding to an emergency injury to one of your teeth? When damage occurs unexpectedly, it can be quite upsetting while trying to keep a level head. If you break or chip the enamel on the surface of your tooth you open yourself to the possibility of infection while experiencing pain as well. This means that seeking prompt treatment can prevent your injury from becoming more serious. Receiving a repair for your broken tooth can restore your confidence in your smile while protecting your future oral health.

A dental injury can happen at any time of night or day. This is why the team at Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA, offers same-day emergency care to relieve your symptoms as soon as possible. Do not wait to call our office when you have sudden tooth pain, a broken tooth, or any other type of crisis with your oral health. After stabilizing your condition, we can work with you to plan an appropriate restoration that repairs the damage in your mouth.

We Do Not Delay When Treating Broken teeth

When responding to your dental emergency, we stress that time is of the essence. This means that being proactive about repairing your tooth is primary to maintaining your overall oral health. Left untreated, a crack in your enamel can cause decay to take hold. This means that a tooth that could be treated early with a simple filling may eventually require a full extraction if decay destroys too much healthy material. If an infection develops, you may need root canal therapy to stop the spread of bacteria throughout other parts of your body as well. When your enamel is healthy, it otherwise prevents bacteria from damaging the inner structure of your tooth. That is why it is so important to seek treatment as soon as you discover this area is damaged.

How Dental Crowns Provide A Protective Cap

For injuries that destroy significant amounts of your tooth’s surface, a dental crown can restore your ability to comfortably bite. By mimicking the shape and shade of an entire natural tooth above your gumline, a dental crown seals off the inner structure from outside harm. This prevents bacteria from entering and threatening infection while beautifying your smile at the same time! When properly cared for, this restorative procedure can last for years to come. Simply brush and floss your teeth as normal and attend regular cleanings where we will inspect the continued strength of your cap.

Talk To Your Seattle, WA, Dentist About Repairing Your Injured Tooth

Whenever you experience an injury to one of your teeth, seek treatment as soon as you are able. The health of your smile depends upon professional care to restore a broken tooth. Call Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA at (206)789-2555 to schedule an appointment today!

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It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.