serving ballard since 1974

Are You In Need Of Better Oral Hygiene Habits?

Without a good oral hygiene routine to follow, you can leave yourself more vulnerable to dental decay and gum disease than you realize. Many people who are confident that they are taking good care of their teeth actually make mistakes that lead to tartar buildup, as well as issues that result in problems that require restorative dental work. At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, patients who worry about their oral health routine can discuss their habits with their dentist to learn what the right treatment can do for them. We are also prepared to help if you are in need of treatment for any problems that have arisen since your last trip to the dentist’s office.

Are You Having A Harder Time Avoiding Oral Health Issues?

If you have had recent issues with poor oral health, or if you feel that your smile has changed in ways that make you self-conscious, you may need to reevaluate your approach to preventive dental care. Seemingly small mistakes can be costly because they let tartar deposits build up. When these deposits form, they make you vulnerable to issues with decay as well as periodontal disease. The trouble with tartar formation is that when it occurs, it will require a professional teeth cleaning to address, as the substance will not budge when you brush and floss.

Look For Shortcomings In Your Daily Oral Hygiene Routine

If your goal is to reduce your risk for tartar buildup and dental health issues, you should examine the way you currently brush and floss your teeth. You may be missing certain areas, or doing too little to clean hard-to-reach areas, which makes you vulnerable to the formation of tartar. If you want to do a better job brushing, time yourself – the process of thoroughly cleaning your teeth should take at least two minutes. Remember that flossing is something you need to do on a daily basis to contend with the buildup of bacteria and food particles between teeth. Many people only opt to floss when they feel something stuck between their teeth.

Make Sure You See Your Dentist On A Consistent Basis

Better daily care and smarter diet choices will be important. However, that does not mean you should see your daily changes as a substitute for seeing your dentist on a regular basis. Without routine dental checkups, patients are at the mercy of tartar buildup, which can lead to problems over time. Your dentist will also help by recognizing when a cavity has formed and needs to be treated, protecting you against a potential problem with advanced decay.

Hygge Laser Dentistry Can Help You Preserve Your Oral Health!

Hygge Laser Dentistry is prepared to help patients who want to do a better job keeping their teeth safe from harm. If you worry that you are not doing enough to avoid cavities and gum disease, or if you fear that a problem has already formed, call our dentist’s office in Seattle, WA today at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.