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Arranging Periodontal Treatment In Response To Bleeding Gums

When you brush your teeth, and notice that your gums are bleeding, what should you do in response? Because this is a symptom of gingivitis, you should put thought into your current strategy for maintaining your periodontal health. While consistent brushing and flossing can help you stay healthy, you can be understandably concerned that your gums could benefit from more support. At our Seattle, WA dental office, we provide special scaling and root planing treatments in addition to conventional professional teeth cleanings. A scaling and root planing works to directly remove bacteria beneath your gums before polishing your teeth below your gum line to make them more resistant to future bacteria buildup.

Bleeding Gums Can Become An Issue If You Have Gingivitis

If you have a periodontal infection, you can begin to experience problems with bleeding gums when you brush or floss your teeth. Other symptoms you might experience include a change to your gum line that exposes more of your teeth, chronic bad breath, or swollen and reddened tissues. When a problem with gingivitis is addressed, you can put a stop to these symptoms. By bringing the matter to your dentist’s attention, you can make sure the problem is fully addressed, and that you are not at risk for more advanced periodontitis.

What Can Your Dentist Do To Stop A Periodontal Problem?

If you are experiencing the symptoms of gingivitis, your dentist may recommend scaling and root planing. This procedure eliminates the bacteria that are causing an infection, so you can make sure your smile is safe before you have periodontitis, an advanced periodontal infection that is more difficult to manage. People who develop advanced issues with gum disease can have a harder time managing their overall health, and experience a higher risk for tooth loss. If your gums have already reached this stage, your dentist can talk to you about long-term plans to help maintain your oral health.

Improving Your Daily Routine To Better Defend Against Gingivitis

A better daily oral care routine can help you maintain healthy gums, while also helping you avoid problems with tooth decay that might call for dental fillings or dental crowns. When you brush and floss, spend enough time on these activities to make sure you clean every part of your smile. Your gum line certainly deserves attention, as bacteria that gather in this area are able to move beneath your gums and create problems.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Arranging Periodontal Treatment

Hygge Laser Dentistry is ready to help patients who are struggling with poor periodontal health! If you start to experience the symptoms of gingivitis and want to make sure the matter is addressed, our Seattle, WA dental practice can help. This is one of many oral health services we can provide to help you keep your smile in top form. For more information, please call Hygge Laser Dentistry at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.