serving ballard since 1974


The Gift Of A Great Night’s Sleep

Sleep disorders are very common in the United States, and two of the most prevalent of these center around our oral health. These concerns can both be harmful immediately and in the longer term, so their maintenance is crucial at feeling and being your best. Bruxism refers to the grinding and gnashing of the teeth […]

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Cold Sensitivity Can Destroy The Holidays

This time of year, patients often report new feelings of discomfort in their mouths from dentin sensitivity. This can be caused by a number of different issues. Most commonly, the discussion arises from damage to or a weakening of the enamel. This is the hard external surface of our teeth, which gives us the chewing […]

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Special Precautions For Virus Season

After three years of pandemic care and regulations, people might understandably feel a little weary. For otherwise healthy individuals, you may actually feel as though you’re stronger than you are simply because you have made it through without complications. Unfortunately, cold and flu season is coming regardless. For this reason, it is incredibly important that […]

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Proven Ways To Gain A Beautiful Smile

Most people have some aspect of their smile that they would like to improve. Patients have an endless range of concerns, and they may feel that many different oral cosmetic procedures might just be too complicated. Or that the amount of trauma upon your mouth is not worth a misshapen tooth or an alignment concern. […]

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Many Sleep Problems Start With The Jaw

If you find yourself tired before lunchtime even hits, it may be due to unconscious movements of your jaw. This overnight motion can be associated with sleep apnea, where you momentarily stop breathing due to an obstructed airway. This also might lead to snoring, and if your partner or loved ones tell you that you […]

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Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.