serving ballard since 1974

Bonding & Contouring

Injection Overmolding

Tooth bonding is another name for using tooth-colored composite resin to address certain types of issues with your healthy, natural tooth structure. Our office offers an advanced adhesion technique of “Injection Overmolding” for our bonding procedures. The injection overmolding for enamel replacement is a method of encasing a tooth with monolithic composite resin. The difference and advantage over traditional layering techniques is void-free integrity and strength. This creates incredibly polished, porcelain-like restorations that are less vulnerable to stain and chipping. Esthetic dilemmas such as “black triangles”, undersized teeth, gaps, discolored or rotated teeth, and worn edges can be corrected with no tooth reduction making this option an incredibly popular alternative to traditional veneering treatments.

Tooth Contouring

While bonding your tooth involves bonding biocompatible material to its structure, contouring a tooth involves gently sculpting away a minimal amount of your tooth’s outer enamel. The procedure is gentle enough that most patients don’t require dental anesthetic, and it’s conservative enough to minimize the extent of alteration required to your tooth structure. In some cases, we may recommend tooth contouring to correct an overlapping tooth edge, smooth a jagged or pointy tooth, correct a rough area of your tooth enamel, and more.

Overall, both bonding and contouring offer similar outcomes to porcelain veneers but are typically less expensive. On the other hand, the results do not last as long, so you will likely need to have them touched up in 5 to 10 years.

Gum Contouring

Gum contouring alters your gum line by removing excess tissue and then having your dentist sculpt it to appear more uniform. It ultimately exposes more of your teeth and makes your smile appear more even. This procedure does not take very long, and we ensure that you are comfortable throughout the entire procedure.

Learn More About Bonding & Contouring

If you are interested in revamping your smile’s appearance, we invite you to schedule a bonding or contouring appointment today. Please call Hygge Laser Dentistry office in Seattle, WA, today at 206-789-2555. We also proudly serve the residents of Shoreline, Edmonds, Crown Hill, Loyal Heights, and all surrounding communities.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.