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Can Your Dentist Help You Deal With Chipped Teeth?

Teeth become chipped over time when they experience an excess of wear and tear. As strong as our enamel might be, it can be worn down gradually, especially if you have a habit of grinding or clenching your jaw. If you feel that chipping makes your smile appear unhealthy, uneven, or unattractive for any other reason, you should know that cosmetic dental work can help! Our Seattle, WA dentist’s office is ready to walk you through your different treatment options. With a single cosmetic service, we can make teeth appear healthier, brighter, and more uniform! We can also offer support to help you stop nightly teeth grinding, something that can lead to more chipping or even cracking of your enamel.

Are You Tired Of Letting Your Chipped Teeth Make You Self-Conscious?

People who feel that their teeth are visibly chipped can be self-conscious because their smile looks uneven, or because wear and tear has noticeably changed their appearance. Wear and tear can also be read as a sign of age, so you may worry that you look older than you really are. Fortunately, these are issues that the right cosmetic procedure can address. You can talk with your dentist about the benefits of porcelain veneers for restoring your smile, or you can look into the advantages of tooth bonding and contouring.

Scheduling Your Cosmetic Dental Treatment

Tooth bonding and contouring services are capable of reshaping teeth, hiding noticeable damage, and even making your smile more symmetrical. These services do not require the placement of permanent restorations, which means they can take less time and require less preparatory work. A treatment with porcelain veneers will use thin shells that are fitted on the fronts of your teeth. While veneers require more preparatory work, and tend to require more modifications of your tooth structure, they offer more durability.

Avoid Further Trouble By Addressing Nightly Teeth Grinding Problems

You can experience more problems with dental wear and tear if you let a problem with teeth grinding go unresolved. With a custom oral guard, you can rest at night without worrying that you will hurt your teeth by grinding or clenching them. This reduction in pressure protects your smile, but it also helps you lower stress on your jaw joints and muscles that can lead to chronic pain and bite troubles.

Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist About Restoring Chipped Teeth

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, you can make plans with your dentist to address your chipped teeth. Through just a single cosmetic procedure, you can make a noteworthy change to the way you look and begin to smile and speak with renewed confidence! This is just one of many cosmetic concerns we can address with a procedure. To find out more, call our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.