Preserving Your Appearance While Treating Multiple Cavities

Treatment for tooth decay should not be delayed. Once a cavity is found, our Seattle, WA dentist’s office is prepared to provide the appropriate restorative dental work to stop the problem from progressing. In some cases, it is actually necessary to plan treatments for several teeth, as multiple cavities may have formed since a patient’s […]

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Is Dental Sensitivity Forcing You To Change Your Diet?

If you are no longer able to enjoy certain foods or drinks without discomfort, or that you feel you must completely avoid, you should tell your dentist about your troubles with dental sensitivity. Problems with sensitivity can be linked to poor periodontal health, issues with enamel erosion, or even to problems with tooth decay. The […]

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3 Actions We Can Take To Restore Confidence In Your Smile

If you are losing confidence in your smile, maintaining your overall confidence can become difficult. There are several issues that can impact the way you feel about your appearance. Teeth are susceptible to gradual wear and tear over a time, a problem that can be particularly severe for people who grind their teeth. You can […]

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How Can I Tell If My Toothache Is Being Caused By A Cavity?

If you have a toothache, it can be hard not to believe that something might be wrong with your oral health. That does not mean that every small discomfort is a sign of urgent trouble, of course. For example, people sometimes experience tooth pain due to sinus problems. With that said, you should take your concerns seriously, […]

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Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.