Creating A Plan To Address Issues With Dental Wear And Tear

While some people can maintain the condition of their teeth with relative ease, others can start to develop feelings of discomfort around the way they look because of visible dental wear and tear. Sometimes, a person’s enamel is relatively weak, which can lead to friction from biting and chewing causing more problems for them. In […]

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Your Daily Actions Can Cause Your Teeth To Become Sensitive

The onset of tooth sensitivity can make life difficult, as you can gradually give up one beloved food or drink item after another because of the discomfort they cause. What you might not realize is that your daily behaviors can actually make your risk higher for sensitivity. At our Seattle, WA dental practice, we can […]

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Have Your Dentist Examine A Painful Or Sensitive Tooth

When you start to experience pain in a certain tooth, or when a tooth is sensitive to the point of making eating and drinking difficult, you should schedule dental treatment. At our Seattle, WA dental practice, we can provide a thorough evaluation to determine what is wrong before recommending the appropriate care. Dental sensitivity can […]

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Has Dental Sensitivity Led To Changes In Your Daily Life?

Because dental sensitivity often causes people to experience problems with temperature extremes, people who have sensitive teeth often abandon certain hot and cold products due to discomfort. If an individual has general sensitivity, or persistent pain in a certain tooth, they can go on to make other changes that limit their diet, and negatively affect […]

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Dental Sensitivity Can Be Linked To Enamel Erosion

There is no single culprit behind every issue with dental sensitivity. One person with a sensitive tooth could be suffering symptoms of decay, while a person with general sensitivity problems may have discomfort because their gum line has receded and exposed vulnerable portions of teeth. Enamel erosion is also a possible reason for a person […]

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Discussing Dental Sensitivity At Your Next Routine Exam

Your routine dental exams provide you with opportunities to discuss all of your smile concerns with your dentist. If you have had issues with dental sensitivity, make sure you address this during your appointment! Sensitivity can be a sign that you have enamel erosion, or it can be a consequence of gum line recession. It […]

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Discussing And Addressing Issues With Dental Sensitivity

If your problems with dental sensitivity are serious enough to bother you, or affect what you choose to eat and drink, you should consider them serious enough to discuss with your dentist! Your dental health needs can differ from your general health needs in an important way – while your body can naturally recover from […]

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Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.