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Discuss The Advantages Of Invisalign With Your Dentist

When your teeth are poorly aligned, it can be hard not to feel self-conscious about your smile. Problems of this nature can lead to conspicuous gaps and overlaps between teeth that attract undesired attention. The quality of your smile can be hurt by a lack of symmetry as well. While many people who have poorly aligned teeth feel prepared to seek help for the problem, they can hesitate at the thought of wearing metal braces. You should know that your Seattle, WA dentist is prepared to help you fix problems with poor alignment by offering treatment with Invisalign appliances. Invisalign treatment relies on a series of discreet and removable aligners that gradually move your teeth into better positions!

Poorly Aligned Teeth Can Hurt The Quality Of Your Smile

Just as it can be hard to ignore teeth that appear discolored, or the presence of chips or cracks in a person’s smile, alignment flaws can be hard to hide. If you are affected by the presence of gaps between teeth, or if you have teeth that overlap and seem out of place, you can feel unhappy with the attention that these problems attract. You should know that in addition to being a cosmetic concern, it is possible for misaligned teeth to affect your bite function, which can lead to problems.

Invisalign Can Help You Address Frustrating Flaws With A Discreet Appliance

Invisalign appliances can move teeth into better alignment without making you wear conspicuous metal braces. After an evaluation of your smile and bite, your dentist can have custom aligners made for you, which will help make successive changes that bring your smile into ideal alignment. When they are in place, it can be hard for people to notice that you are wearing your aligners. This can make the idea of wearing them in professional or social settings easier for you. The ability to remove them can also be beneficial, as you are able to eat and clean your teeth like normal.

Are There Other Treatment Options That Can Help Me Address Gaps And Overlaps?

The goal in cosmetic dental work is to help people feel excited to show off their smile. While Invisalign is often recommended for use when people are affected by poor alignment, it may be possible to hide gaps and overlaps between teeth through the placement of porcelain veneers. In this situation, it is possible for your dentist to hide gaps and overlaps with custom shells that also hide blemishes, dental damage, and other superficial concerns. Bonding and contouring procedures can be effective for some patients with alignment issues as well.

Talk To Hygge Laser Dentistry About Invisalign

At Hygge Laser Dentistry in Seattle, WA, patients who are bothered by poor dental alignment can learn about the benefits of care with Invisalign aligners. To learn more about these appliances, call our Seattle, WA dentist’s office today at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.