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How Can Bonding And Contouring Work Improve Your Smile?

It can be hard to show real confidence when you have doubts about your smile. Unfortunately, if you fret over the visibility of a damaged or misshapen tooth, feel embarrassed by a noticeable blemish, or have any other cosmetic concerns, those feelings of self-consciousness can be hard to avoid. Cosmetic dentistry has helped many people take on the problems that have made them unhappy with the appearance of their smile. While you may have already assumed that cosmetic treatment can lead to impressive results, it might surprise you to hear how a small amount of work can lead to those results. At our Seattle, WA dentist’s office, we can perform dental bonding and contouring for patients who want to change the appearance of a flawed tooth, or several flawed teeth. Because this work does not rely on the placement of restorations for results, it can deliver improvements while minimizing changes to your tooth structure.

A Conservative Cosmetic Procedure Can Lead To Big Improvements

With precise changes, it is possible to transform the way a tooth looks so that it is a better fit for your smile. Through carefully contouring a misshapen or overly large tooth, and applying composite resin material to further improve its appearance, we can give you a dramatic confidence boost. Because there is no need to design or place any restorations, the process can require minimal changes, and less time than you might expect. We may be able to complete your procedure in just a single visit!

Bonding And Contouring Work Can Address Multiple Esthetic Concerns

It can be frustrating to look at your smile and see how much harm a relatively minor flaw can do to the way you look. What can be especially frustrating is to see how a series of seemingly small issues might dramatically affect you. One benefit to bonding and contouring work is that it can take on many different concerns, which produces the changes you want with modest work. The contouring and bonding processes can improve a tooth by correcting its shape and size, hiding past dental trauma, and even covering discoloration that is difficult to treat through professional teeth whitening.

What Other Services Can You Count On To Improve Your Smile?

If your concerns about your appearance are directly linked to the color of your teeth, we can discuss the advantages of choosing a professional teeth whitening treatment over the use of a store bought whitening kit. We offer multiple approaches to teeth whitening, which allows us to select the procedure that best suits you. If you have problems with your alignment that are difficult to fix with other cosmetic procedures, we can recommend treatment with Invisalign aligners to fix visible alignment flaws.

Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist About Bonding And Contouring Work

Hygge Laser Dentistry is ready to restore your smile through bonding and contouring work. This one procedure can help you see dramatic results, and it can come from less time and changes to your tooth structure than you expect! For more information, call our Seattle, WA dentist’s office today at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.