serving ballard since 1974

Knowing When To Replace Your Toothbrush (And Why It Matters)

If you have a quality toothbrush, you should be all set to take care of your smile when you clean your teeth. While your brush may have been fully capable of offering great cleaning sessions when it was purchased, it may have passed the point where wear and tear has dulled its bristles, meaning you may not be receiving the quality clean you thought you were enjoying. You should replace a brush every three or four months if you want to continue to effectively prevent oral health troubles. Doing this, and maintaining good diet and flossing habits, can ensure that when you see your Seattle, WA dentist for a routine dental exam, you receive positive feedback about the state of your smile!

The Condition Of Your Brush Can Impact Your Ability To Take Care Of Your Smile

In order to be truly effective, a brushing session should see you reach every area of your teeth, and clear away problems in hard-to-reach areas. If the bristles on your current brush have started to fray, you may not be enjoying the kind of treatment you require to stay protected against cavities and gum disease. A toothbrush is a tool, and an important one – if you want to do good work defending your smile against plaque and tartar, make sure you replace one when it stops being effective!

Additional Changes To Your Routine That Can Protect Your Smile

Throwing out an old brush is a good decision, but it can be just one of many changes that might help you take better care of your smile! If you are not making flossing part of your routine efforts to protect your smile, the spaces between your teeth can be at risk for problems. Even a fresh brush with healthy bristles can do a poor job reaching into those spaces between teeth! You should also pay attention to your diet choices, particularly when it comes to what you drink. If you, like many people, enjoy frequent soft drinks, you can put yourself at risk for cavities, and you can be vulnerable to unflattering teeth stains.

Your Dentist Can Let You Know How Healthy Your Smile Really Is During A Checkup

If you want to make sure your smile is in good health, you can gain all the feedback you require during a routine dental checkup. At our practice, you are given a thorough cleaning, and your teeth and gums will be carefully checked. Ideally, the end of your session will have you walking out with a healthy smile. In some cases, patients are unhappy to learn that they have a problem with tooth decay. Keep in mind that when a cavity is caught by your dentist, it can typically be addressed with a dental filling. If you only show up at our practice because of the painful symptoms of an advanced cavity, you can require a root canal procedure!

Count On Dedicated Dental Care At Hygge Laser Dentistry!

At Hygge Laser Dentistry, we are ready to deliver superior smile care to our patients! To make an appointment with our Seattle, WA area practice, please call us at 206-789-2555!

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.