serving ballard since 1974

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers provide cosmetic solutions with just one procedure. They can cover stains, fix chips and cracks, and can even minimize gaps between your teeth. Porcelain veneers are thin shells of biocompatible porcelain that are fashioned after the precise measurements of one or more of your teeth. Each veneer is designed to be bonded to the front surface of a tooth, and is customized to match every cosmetic detail of its healthy, natural structure. Before placing a veneer, we’ll carefully prepare the tooth by sculpting a minimal amount of enamel from its front surface, making just enough room for the veneer to sit flush and blend in with the contour of your smile.

Lifelike Appearance

Dental porcelain is one of the most lifelike dental materials available today. In addition to matching your tooth’s specific color and shade, the porcelain is also semi-translucent just like your healthy tooth enamel. This gives your veneers the look and shine to match your natural teeth.

Complete Smile Improvement

Because of their ability to completely transform a tooth’s visible appearance, veneers are able to correct a wide range of cosmetic smile concerns. This makes them ideal for patients who exhibit several different tooth blemishes and want to minimize the complexity of procedures for a complete smile makeover.

Maximum Tooth Preservation 

The ability to mimic your healthy, natural teeth is a significant advantage of porcelain veneers, and so is their ability to improve your smile without dramatic changes to your teeth. Veneers are incredibly thin and preparing your teeth to receive them requires only minimal sculpting.

Schedule Your Porcelain Veneers

With one or more porcelain veneers, we can create a complete smile makeover while minimizing the number of treatments you need to receive. Schedule an appointment by calling Hygge Laser Dentistry office in Seattle, WA, today at 206-789-2555. We also proudly serve the residents of Shoreline, Edmonds, Crown Hill, Loyal Heights, and all surrounding communities.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.