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What Invisalign Can Do For Your Smile

Is there a solution for problems with uneven teeth spacing that does not require you to wear metal braces? If you want to make the process of fixing malocclusion more discreet, you can find out if you qualify for Invisalign treatment. Many people who have concerns about teeth that overlap, or excess spacing between teeth, can discover that these clear appliances are capable of making their desired changes to the way they look. Your Seattle, WA dentist can discuss the process of fixing poor spacing with you, and let you know what to expect as you go through the adjustment process. In addition to making your care more discreet by clear appliances, Invisalign gives you the ability to quickly and easily take out an aligner if it interferes with an activity.

Are You Bothered By Smile Flaws Caused By Uneven Teeth Spacing?

While there are several reasons why patients decide to inquire about cosmetic dental work, concerns about poor teeth spacing can be one that feels particularly frustrating to address. This is because the problem can seem like one that demands orthodontic treatment, and many assume this means they have to fix their smiles with metal braces. Instead, you can find that Invisalign aligners are effective at making the right movements to your teeth while making the overall adjustment easier on you.

Improving Your Smile With Invisalign Aligners

We will take careful measurements of your teeth and closely study their alignment so that we can provide clear aligners that are customized for your use. With these appliances, you will gradually move your smile by fixing gaps and overlaps that hurt your appearance. Each one can prove easy to remove, so they will not interfere with your eating or oral hygiene routine, and they are difficult to see. In other words, they minimize any impact on your regular daily routine, making it easier to commit to corrective work.

Other Treatments That Can Improve Your Smile

There are many different cosmetic dental procedures that we can recommend to patients who want to feel better about how they look when they smile. For some, we can actually use alternative solutions to Invisalign treatment to address spacing issues in a shorter time. If you qualify, we can hide gaps and overlaps with custom porcelain veneers. In addition to seeing your results sooner, you can enjoy the benefits of making your teeth appear brighter, hiding damages, and even improving on their shapes and sizes.

Talk To Your Seattle, WA Dentist About Starting Corrective Work With Invisalign

Because we offer Invisalign treatment to our patients, Hygge Laser Dentistry can provide a welcome alternative to metal braces for those patients who want to correct problems with teeth spacing. If you would like to find out more about this or any other service that we offer, please reach out to our Seattle, WA dentist’s office at 206-789-2555.

Cosmetic, Restorative, and General Dentistry

It is our goal to provide comprehensive dental care for your whole family. Our wide range of services means that you can see us for all of your needs — without having to visit multiple practices to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.